
Monday, November 27, 2006

Knit Your Own Balaclava

Just a quick update with a couple of links for you...

I was looking for a song to use as the title of this post and came across the bizarrely named song 'Knit Your Own Balaclava' by Chumbawumba. I suppose that is is vaguely relevant to the first link. I found it on UkScrappers but if you haven't seen it... here it is...

DAD DO NOT CLICK THIS LINK!!!!! (it is slightly rude) *sniggers*

Knitted bits *sniggers some more*

and a slightly more sensible one...

DAD YOU MAY CLICK THIS ONE (although I guessing that you clicked the first one!)

See through PC Monitors

*Still sniggering*
May be back later....


Anonymous said...

lol Jo, much sniggering going on here!

carrie said...

OMG on all that stuff. haha